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The direction of the many fingers and saw that several ink dots had been dropped on the memorial on the memorial to impeach zhu jingyan there are only vaguely left the words he is lawless and the city is free xu zhizhong knew.

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Expected that duo duo s casual words would lead to zhu jingyan receiving the biggest reward since he became an official a dozen eunuchs filed into dali temple holding gold and silver jewelry covered with red cloth not to.

Quickly ah I accept the decree zhu jingyan stood up and stepped forward taking .

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How long he hadn t set foot in that place ever since mingyue died in the cold palace he never went to that sad place again but he had to admit that there were also those in the palace such a place the emperor s adoptive.

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He will give as much as he wants give him some money zhu jingyan listened to many words and his dull mood suddenly lightened up you re right your father really deserves to be rewarded for his service to the country and the.

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Master zhu has raised a good daughter wang fugui sighed which could be regarded as a reminder to zhu jingyan after hearing many words zhu jingyan came to his senses in an instant he hurriedly held wang fugui s arm and.

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allowed our family to be kept in the emperor s bedchamber everyone understands the meaning of the emperor s bedroom it means that the emperor must personally.

Protect these things and don t worry about giving them to others if it is not very important it is impossible to enter the emperor s bedroom varied the things from before not even the clothes and jewelry were brought into.

Sleep well wang fugui was taken aback by zhu jingyan s sudden madness he couldn t figure out what this man was doing all of a sudden he I have never seen zhu jingyan so disregarding his image holding him and crying bitterly.

And secretly wiping snot from his body this was not something zhu jingyan could do no don t you feel ashamed for doing such a thing with such a face but wang fugui only dared to complain about these words in his heart.

Daughter to me then no way my niece can promise me that she will provide me with retirement services until the end of her life and also includes three visits to the grave every year the emperor can t let my niece lose her.

Promise to me wang fugui had a bitter face and didn t know what expression to put on he thought that zhu jingyan might have some serious illness many of them entered the palace for less than ten days the emperor served people.

And cang chen were both ignorant seeing zhu jingyan like this they not only did not come forward to persuade him but instead continued to cheer him up it is not easy to keep saying that zhu jingyan is not easy that he has a.

Deep relationship with many fathers and daughters and so on wang fugui wanted to die no matter how close you are as father and daughter this matter it s not up to him then the emperor didn t say a cv plus keto gummies he wanted to release him how.

Sees you the people from yushitai will impeach you again and you will have to work hard at that time aunt mother intercedes with you as soon as these words came out zhu jingyan seemed to be stimulated he stood up straight.

Announcing the decree and ran away shouldn t be here fortunately he still felt sorry for zhu jingyan s separation from many fathers and daughters and wanted to comfort him by telling him about the many situations in the.

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Word occasionally he encountered many things that he didn t understand and he explained them patiently after that I received many exaggerated compliments wow the emperor s adoptive father is so awesome you know such.

Believe that he has no reason does not ask for a lot of benefits without asking for anything in return and even develops to the point of loving his house he will never believe it now in zhu jingyan s opinion there are.

Matter which possibility it is it is enough to make zhu jingyan tremble with fear zhu jingyan rolled his eyes and his body softened and he fell towards wang fugui my lord my life is miserable I have lived most of my life.

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Girl with so many talents let alone making chess pieces she gets dizzy just looking at chess my lord I am just a daughter I agreed at the beginning that I would stay in the palace for a few days how long do you think it has.

Included the emperor can t let my daughter break her promise to me wang fugui had a sad face and didn t know what expression to put on he thought that zhu jingyan might have some serious illness many of them had been in the.

The year visiting the grave and sweeping the grave three times a year who wants to arrange this in advance but zhu jingyan s crying was really contagious although guang qing an and cang chen didn t cry they also looked sad.

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Girl please intercede for you as soon as these words came out zhu jingyan felt like he was being as if he was stimulated he suddenly stood up straight and took two steps back he was once again the well mannered jade faced.

S evil deed just now wang fugui was disgusted and can t show it yet wang gonggong said just now that yushitai impeached me did you intercede with me wang fugui can t see zhu jingyan s serious face now whenever he sees this.

That the corners of his mouth were about to burst wang fugui saw this at this scene I can only feel glad in my heart that duoduo is just a four year old child if she were fourteen years old wang fugui would suspect that she.

Had the potential to bring disaster to the country letting the emperor personally act as a teacher can make the emperor giggle this would not be a good thing for any concubine in the harem of course wang fugui didn t think so.

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However he still lowered his head slightly but my adoptive father is also very reluctant to let you go do you want to stay with your adoptive father for a few more days duoduo lowered his head looking a little disappointed.

Her adoptive father for a few more days xu zhizhong originally planned to let her go back but she unexpectedly relented it happened that xu zhizhong also had some things that he hadn t figured out yet and many people were.

Try to figure things out and then go home early she missed her father it was night after zitong left many people went back into the ear room according to the plan yungui seemed to have expected that duoduo would come her.

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On what yun gui said at that time my mother must have faked her death and escaped from the palace with her I just don t know if she was born or in her mother s belly at that time what day was that sister yun gui do you.

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watched this scene in silence for a moment and then he said your majesty this slave has returned.

He tugged on his clothes and placed the two shiny pieces of snot in front of the emperor hurry up and give someone else s daughter back if you want a girl you can t have one yourself why are you dominating other people s.

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Okay duoduo misses daddy too duoduo has never been separated from daddy for such a long time before when he was kidnapped dad found duoduo the next day in the past few days xu zhizhong has also asked people to investigate.

Many things about her past but her past is very vague it only became clear after zhu jingyan picked her up back to dali temple before I only knew that she was an orphan and his mother depended on each other and the rest.

To stay with your adoptive father for a few more days duoduo lowered his head looking a little disappointed is the adoptive father treating duoduo badly no duoduo shook his head the adoptive father is very kind to duoduo she.

Was silent for a while then he raised his head again with a smile on his face okay then duoduo will stay with his adoptive father for a few more days xu zhizhong originally planned to let her go back but she unexpectedly.

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There must be someone helping me this person s identity and status are not simple who is the one yun gui told everything he knew and it just so happened that zitong came back duoduo fell into confusion returned to her room.

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Turned upside down but the two people who were in the middle of the turmoil were squatting outside the gate of a deserted palace that was incompatible with this palace lenggong duoduo asked in a low voice after turning his.

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This person may not be simple who is the one yungui told everything he knew and it happened that zitong came back duoduo fell into confusion returned to her room and lay on the bed she looked at the candle flickering in.

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Leave the palace wouldn t it be good to just go with the flow and get out of danger I know you want to investigate your mother s matter but haven t master zhu and the others already said that this matter cannot be rushed why.

By chi yuan s words and froze on the spot unable to recover for a long time dad is he so worried about her duo duo thought again about the situation when he made a fuss about entering the palace with xu jintang and was.

The emperor but she interrupted him again now he not only trapped himself in the palace but also implicated chi yuan he was also trapped in the palace unable to do anything he must have something important to do I m sorry.

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And were caught by zitong but they couldn t find duoduo knowing that the two were lost zi tong also panicked it is true that they were sent by the queen to monitor duoduo but if something happened to these two people and.

Probably wouldn t go to great lengths to keep them then why are you still standing there why don t you hurry up and ask someone to find you mother she is no longer here the sudden news made jade concubine s expression pause.

It was just a moment of mistake fleeting but it was also captured by many jade concubine did not ask chu mingyue how did he die she said your identity has been revealed to the world the emperor already knows her voice was.

Different from the gentleness before with a little hoarseness duoduo noticed that when she mentioned xu zhizhong her tone was slightly different very faint anxiety if you don t listen carefully you can t even find it not.

Yet duoduo felt that xu zhizhong should not have discover her identity but the queen must have discovered it the many answers made yubi frowned then why did you enter the palace it s not surprising that yubi asked such a.

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Having such a person whom xu zhizhong once held in her hands buried with her her whole life was worth it but she didn t expect that chu mingyue actually saved her yes at that time chu mingyue didn t know how she did it there.

The smile on chu mingyue s face was wiped away replaced by loneliness chu mingyue gently stroked her gradually swollen belly he doesn t will come it was also at that time that concubine yu knew that chu mingyue was pregnant.

Put down her work temporarily and smiled at her happily you don t understand jade concubine listened to this every time feel too bad and then she simply didn a cv plus keto gummies t ask and let her mess around in this cold palace first he.

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Yuan got involved heart he and the little eunuch found out the direction of leng gong go in and have a look the two of them didn t go in through the main entrance of the cold palace no one else just because the palace was.

Already closed I don t know how long it s been since anyone cleaned it the front door is covered with dust but there is a series of footprints which are said to be left by the nuns who deliver food to the concubines in the.

Alive wrong chi yuan failed to find out her name but only knew that before entering the cold palace she was a jade concubine in the palace later she offended the emperor for some reason and was thrown into the cold palace.

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bibimbap it is said to be bibimbap but it is actually a pile of vegetable soup with no visible ingredients poured on a bowl of rice and then thrown on the ground casually it was covered with a swarm of flies.

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She won t hurt me as he said that duoduo smiled at the concubine yu who was opposite and asked in a loud voice am I right aunt yu jade concubine seemed to be shocked by duo duo s words and then zhanyan smiled as if he.

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Particles in the soil she dug out apparently the rice she had eaten before it is also handled in this way duo duo blinked his eyes aunt yu doesn t eat these things so what do you eat concubine yu naturally pinched duo duo s.

Dumbfounded could this be people in the cold palace get rich by growing vegetables there are also a few chickens and ducks in the corner of the plantation after returning to the house from the backyard duoduo s eyes on yubi.

Concubine where is this this is clearly the beginning of a leisurely and comfortable retirement life in advance needless to say many people are a little envious yubi also poured them a cup of scented tea that she dried.

Breeze blew by and the branches and leaves of the towering tree in the corner rubbed against each other making a rustling sound I don t know how long it took before duoduo slowly regained his senses aunt jade thank you.

Concubine jade shook her head gently if nothing happens go back quickly by the way stay away from the emperor stay away from the queen if you can get out of the palace as soon as possible and never come back this is not a.

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Covered the sky and she couldn t see the blue sky only occasionally a ray of sunlight squeezed out from the gaps between the verdant branches and leaves fell on many small faces on her face painted patches of mottled light.

And shadow I try again one last time she looked at chi yuan and promised after this time no matter what the outcome is we will leave the palace how do you want to do it chi yuan looked at duoduo nervously compared with.

Be careful and don t rush into anything many duoduo knew that chi yuan was doing it for her own good so they agreed one by one the whole palace is in chaos the two are still going around in the ancient forest this forest.

Looks a bit old but usually not many people come here many wild vegetables that are not commonly seen in the palace grew on the ground many people thought that they were missing and that the people in the palace must be crazy.

After learning that the two men had been missing for most of the day and came to dig wild vegetables in the woods yun guilian killed someone I have all my thoughts however being in the ancient forest with the breeze.

Blowing you can really only hear the rustling and the hustle and bustle outside seems to have nothing to do with douyu here the emperor was relieved when he learned that duoduo had been found but the relief was not pleasant.

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